“If you don’t know where you’re going, every wind that pushes the boat is the right wind, and if you go in all directions, your boat will go round and round”…
So to steer your future boat in the right direction, it would be great if you build yourself a self-marked plan with the following 5 steps.

Step 1: Always dream and keep believing

The main reason that prevents you from doing anything is the fear of failure.” Always dream and have faith to dare to dream. No one “taxes” your goals and dreams, but be the smartest and brightest when you understand what you can do yourself.

Step 2: Ask yourself: “What do you love?”

Don’t learn what other people want to learn, dream other people’s dreams, like what other people like and live like someone else’s life and not your own. No one can help you but yourself. You are a very unique being, very unique. Close your eyes and think carefully about the answer to what you really want, who you want to be, and what dreams you have for the future. Start from the things you do most often in your free time like reading, watching movies, drawing, cooking… or whatever. Doing that helps you quickly find your dream for yourself.

Step 3: Write your goal on paper

It may sound a bit old-fashioned to think, but writing down your goals is a way to help you be more accountable for them. Science also shows that writing by hand helps you think better, focus and generate more ideas. One principle when setting goals for the future is SMART.

S – Simple: Simple and important you understand what it is.

M – Measurable: Can be measured. We can evaluate and test each step we have passed on the long road to our dream.

A – Achievable: Attainable. It makes no sense when you are afraid of blood to set the goal of becoming a doctor or when you have no knowledge of painting and dream of becoming a famous Fashion Designer.

R – Realistric: Practical. Please do not set a goal to be mayor or President of the United States when you have Vietnamese nationality.

T – Time-frame: Set a goal within a timeframe. Set a goal but do not have a specific time, it will forever be on paper!

Step 4: Make a detailed plan

We cannot live in fanciful plans that exist only in fantasies. Write down in detail what you want, when you want it, why you want it, and where you start. And sometimes you have to accept the fact that your plan is flawed. It won’t be perfect the first time. Receive feedback and make corrections to finalize the plan. The more detailed and well-organized the plans are, the more likely you are to achieve your planned and planned goals.

Step 5: Don’t forget to call for help

The “consultation board” can be family members, friends or experienced people. Sometimes it is they, not you, who will point out your strengths and weaknesses. From there, you will know what you should do and how to change to achieve the set goals.

Do you enjoy pursuing your goals? Are you satisfied with what you do even if you fail? Keep chasing your dreams and the path you’re on! Because you are one, you are one, you are one.

Minh Media Passion Team

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